21 April 2009

Inspired by Imperfect Action; Thanks to JoLynn Braley

In February I happened upon JoLynn Braley's concept of Imperfect Action, and I have been inspired by it ever since. You can read about it in her Feb 25th blog post, but basically the idea is that it's better to take action today than to wait until either the circumstance is perfect or the intended action will be perfect.

The founder of The Fit Shack, JoLynn focuses on fitness for body, mind, and spirit. But the concept works well whether your goal is weight loss, career change, healthy relationships, or any other life improvement project.

It happens to many of us... We want to make a change in our lives. We tell ourselves that we'll make that change as soon as the time is right, or the right person comes along, or the right opportunity opens, or our bank account is full. Or, we say that we'll make the change when we know we can do it right, because there's no point in doing it if we can't do it right.

When the stars are lined up and everything is perfect, then we'll make the change.

And a whole lot of waiting happens. Does the perfect circumstance or perfect action ever show itself? Not often.

The idea of Imperfect Action has inspired me several times over the past two months, usually when I'm stuck or overwhelmed. A little voice inside myself asks, "What could I do about this today, right now? It doesn't have to be big; it doesn't have to be perfect. Just something that is a step in the right direction." And, suddenly I can see all the small steps that I could choose to take.


Here's to progress, rather than perfection. Thank you, JoLynn!